Lasting a Long Time!

There are some family and friends that are LASTING a long time. My father is one of them. I also believe he is out living most of my friends parents, although there are still a few my high school friends whose parents are still chugging along like my Dad. These special folks and are a cause for celebration. They give us all hope that we'll all live long and happy lives. Please share your photos and stories of the special long-living people in your lives. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DAD. MAY YOU HAVE MANY MORE QUALITY YEARS AND HIT THAT 102 WHEN YOU'LL BE RETIRED AS LONG AS YOU WORKED!
Page down and follow my Dad as he lives on...

Happy Birthday, 2021...

A group of people sitting around tables with plates.

While we were planning to wait until Inno's 100th but thought with the world opening again it would be fun to celebrate his 97th birthday. My Dad has been in quarantine for over a year and survives the pandemic! This is a wonderful opportunity to not only celebrate his birthday but to celebrate a return to visiting with family in person. The party theme is my Dad's naval service. Please share your favorite photos from the evening. AND! Thanks to everyone who joined in the celebration. Hopefully, we will meet again with even more family for Inno's 100th in 2024.

Since I am unable to post all photos here, I have emailed everyone a link for the photos via EVITE.

Three people sitting at a table with wine glasses and plates.
A man and woman standing next to each other.
A group of people sitting at a table with food.

My Dad with some of his grand and great grandchildren

A woman is shaking hands with an older man.
A table with many place settings and people in the background.
A table with papers, flags and a picture of a sailor.
A group of people gathered around an older man.
A group of people sitting around a table.
A group of people sitting at a table with wine glasses.
A group of people sitting at a table with wine glasses.
A group of people sitting around a table with wine glasses.
A group of people sitting around a table with wine glasses.
A group of people sitting at a table with plates.
A group of people sitting at a table with food.
A table with silverware and place settings on it.
A group of people sitting in chairs posing for the camera.
A table with silverware and place settings on it.

Happy Birthday, Dad, 2020...


Mike made pizzas, one of his favorites with a beer!

Theresa made a cake and served it with Dad's favorite UDF Peach Ice Cream. Luckily always in season for his birthday.