A Memorable, Post Covid, Wedding!
My Godson, Tim, has a lovely daughter, Kristen, who so kindly invited Steve and I to her May wedding in Hendersonville, NC. Since this event coincides with our 49th wedding anniversary we were all in! After being cooped up in our small condo in Dallas for a year, we were ready to fly off to somewhere beautiful to visit with family and friends. Kristen married David on May 22nd at Camp Pinnacle. There were two things that struck me as unusual and beautiful. The first is that when David proposed to Kristen (I think) in Colorado, David flew his parents and Kristen's out for the celebration. I thought this so touching to include the parents in the engagement merriment. What fabulous memories for them all (see photo right).
The second is that during the ceremony the couple passed the rings around the congregation so everyone had a chance to touch the pouch holding the rings to bring energy to the these marriage symbols. I have never seen this done before. The weather cooperated and while Steve and I were just attending the wedding, not the full weekend of camp activities, we felt so blessed to be part of the fun. Kristen and David both love to cook and many references were made to their hobby. I hope they will share their recipes and all their delicious memories with us.
Below are a few photos of the wedding. If anyone has more to share please do at [email protected]
Left: Kristen & David's first meal as husband & wife.

Special Dance

Mark & Jen

Tim & Deb

Laura & Bob

Above: Paul Janet & Bob
Below: Mark, Tony, Bob & Tim
Paul front left & Janet front right

Of Bob & Janet's "boys" only Andy is unable to attend due to work. He is missed!
The photo to the right is Steve's attempt to capture the Mattei family. Unfortunately, everyone is looking around for Deb, the mother of the bride. Eventually Deb is found and a good family photo is taken by the photographer. Hopefully, someone will share the final version so I can post.
You can see the lake in the background. Many of the family members stayed at the camp in cabins. Steve and I passed and stayed at the Fairfield Inn. The wedding dinner, served buffet style, included bacon wrapped chicken, prime rib, vegetables, beans, tortellini, potatoes and a host of other selections. I tasted everything washing it down with champagne. The camp chef made an appearance and I was stuffed but the time we got to the wedding cupcakes. I ate one anyway! What a beautiful and memorable event.