Fried Flowers UPDATED
Every summer my Dad would plant and tend a small garden in our back yard. Nothing as large as any of my grandparents but enough to supply the fresh taste of summer. My garden is very similar to the garden I came to know in our backyard as a child. There was a long stonewall that ran the length of our yard, from front to back. In a section in the backyard, my father built a garden box that rose up thigh high (on him). In this large area Dad planted tomatoes, zucchinis, eggplants, a variety of lettuces and herbs. One of favorite summer treats that my mother prepared often was fried and stuffed zucchini flowers. The fried flowers were delicious meal sides and snacks...they actually taste like fried nothing but the salty, olive oil taste is to die for!!! Below is the simple recipe. I have made a few batches already this summer (2020) and I have added photos of how to fry up a plate full. Please share your attempts!

Two eggs beat well with 2 TBLS water

Dredge blossom in flower holding stem.

Drip flour coated blossom in egg and rotate until the entire blossom is covered in egg mixture

Heat about 1/4 to 1/2 cup olive oil in frying pan and add blossoms

Fry and turn blossoms until they are browned and crispy.

Continue to fry all blossoms,

Serve immediately for best taste and texture,
although I like 'um cold too.