The fall is always a good time to make goetta for the upcoming winter. I made a batch recently and decided for the first time to make it with a polk roast versus a in-bone pork butt. While the batch came out tasting well, the consistency, as my mother-in-law emphasized, would not have the same consistency. The bone marrow that cooks off into the mix provides a jell that helps the goetta slices to hold a sharp shape for frying.

OH WELL! I always wanted to try and it appears that this latest batch will turn into GOETTA HASH (click on link left to see how to prepare this delicious side compliment to eggs). There are many wonderful goetta recipes and if you click on the GOETTA TIME TAB you will find other recipes from delicious memory readers.

Since Steve and I are the only two eating goetta these days, I have found freezing it into individual dinner packs has been a time saving. See below my freezer method.


Line a loaf pan with plastic wrap, leaving a portion to use to pull out goetta loaf.


Pull loaf out of pan and set on counter to slice.


On a large sheet of plastic wrap add first layer (two to three slices), then fold wrap over first layer.


Add second layer...


...then fold wrap tightly arround layers.


Insert packs in plastic bags and freeze.