This is a very special scrapbook page dedicated to the Grandparent everywhere. This page features photos and short notes our Grandparents and grandparents the world over. Please share photos of your family grandparents and any grandparents of friends or famous people known to be deal grandparent models. Let this scrapbook place honor grandparents who made the ultimate sacrifices of themselves for the betterment of their children, grandchildren and for generations to come. I'll begin the scrapbook page with my four grandparents and add photos and stories as I receive them from our DM community in order of most recently received. please, please share at [email protected]
Cincinnati Mattei Family
Front (left-right) John, Bob & Ida
Back (left-right) Vic, Inno & John Jr.
Louisville Mattei Family
Front (left-right) Amerisa, Jack & Pater
Back (left-right) Mary Della, Dominic & Babe
R-L John, Ida, Anna DelMisser (Ida's cousin), Alfonso (Ida's brother)
John & Ida Mattei
Pellegrino & Amerisa Mattei - Wedding Day Photo
Amerisa & Pellerino Mattei - 1950