Gingerbread Houses
"Gingerbread houses originated in Germany during the 16th century. The elaborate cookie-walled houses, decorated with foil in addition to gold leaf, became associated with Christmas tradition. Their popularity rose when the Brothers Grimm wrote the story of Hansel and Gretel, in which the main characters stumble upon a house made entirely of treats deep in the forest. It is unclear whether or not gingerbread houses were a result of the popular fairy tale, or vice versa." CLICK HERE to read full story and for recipe.
Family traditions and rituals are difficult to maintain, especially over many years, and especially during a pandemic! This year, my friend, Rose's feared the Gingerbread house would fall by the wayside but her daughter, Sydney, came to the rescue. The first group of photos is a beautiful tribute to this beautiful family tradition. Rose writes ... "the touch is passed."
The remaining photos are of past Gingerbread houses built in a Christmas past. These are great tribute to the old Nix's Bakery formerly located at 835 E. Walnut St, Louisville, KY (I am told the street name has changed since the bakery days.
Photo left compliments of RoseTB with the notation: "In front of Nix Bakery. Mom (Virginia) front left, Grandma Nix, Uncle Fred, Uncle Joe. Back row left Uncle George and Aunt Gertrude."

Covid Xmas Gingerbread House

A Christmas Past