The Corona Crisis
- Take care of yourself...Stay in place, keep your distance when venturing out, wash your hands often and while doing instead of singing happy birthday say a prayer for all our front-line warriors fighting the pandemic.
- Clean your pantry and freezer before you go shopping or order food in. Create a thoughtful grocery list void of hoarding items. Conserve what you already have in your home.
- Plan a weekly menu and follow through. Share your experiences with the DM community.
- Move to List #2.
- Take care of others...Stay in place, keep your distance when venturing out, wash your hands often and while doing so instead of singing happy birthday say a prayer for those sick and our front-line warriors fighting the pandemic.
- Contact your Congressmen and insist on legislation to support our front-line warriors with protection and supplies.
- Call elderly family and friends two or three times a day to check on their welfare. Do they have the support they need? Are they taking their medications? They are likely bored and would appreciate just talking with someone.
- Think more about others than you do yourself.

I discovered a lot more items than I had previously recalled in the freezer. Once I took an inventory I had a few meals I could make without venturing out to shop this week. Some of the items of surprise are as follows:
1. Four jars of minestrone soup, I thought I had only two.
2. Forgotten jars beef broth. I'll use in this weeks recipe for Barley Soup.
3. Pizza fixings...a ball of frozen dough, pepperoni, sausage, cheese, frozen
green peppers and onions. Pizza on Saturday with a salad.
4. Catfish, beans and rice (plan to serve on Friday for dinner)
5. The makings for Fancy Cheesy Chicken Casserole which I'll make for next DM recipe of the week.
6. Container of Cincinnati chili.
7. Pan of goetta (last one) but I have the fixings for one more patch.
8. Homemade cornbread and biscuits I'll serve with soups.
9. Stir fry vegetables from God knows when! Will use Thursday with the
newly discovered pork tenderloin chops.
10. Bagels, nuts, specialty cheeses and much more.