Accompaniments is a quick description of foods that my Mother paired with meat dishes; vegetables, sides and salads. In this day and age some of these recipes could easily serve as meals. In my original Delicious Memories cookbook this section included salads and antipasto. I have carved out the last two food categories and you'll find them in this website under "Antipastos & Salads."
As I shared in the my original cookbook, "Accompaniments are a rich source of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Prepared correctly, these foods will be family favorites. A little knowledge about cooking to maintain color, taste and texture are important ingredients for success..." This brings to mind the first time I ate dinner at Steve's house when we were first dating. His mother served a bowl of green mush that I'd never seen before. I asked what it was and told "green beans." While choking my way through a few bites I asked my future mother-in-law how she had prepared them. She told me she took a can of green bean and boiled them with a hunk of bacon grease for an hour or so. As you can imagine, my husband never ate green beans until after we were married. Once he tasted fresh beans, steamed with salt, pepper and olive oil he was hooked. The recipes below are in the Delicious Memories cookbook pages 78 to 94.